Illustration Credit:Sophie Griotteo |
While reviewing Judy C's exercises in her book, The Message of You, she challenged her readers to complete a mindset, introspection, and purpose-driven exercise.
I naively proceeded with the task at hand and the assumption that the so-called 8 questions, could be completed within a half-hour period. Hell No! When I reviewed my responses to the questions' follow-up questions, they totaled about nineteen. Agggh!
My husband however, gently guided me through the questions that required me to drill down deep. But I survived.
Here are 4 thought-provoking questions, as authored by Judy Carter.
- Am I speaking because I have a message I want to share with the world?
- What do I expect to get out of being a professional speaking; such as Money, Career advancement or Inspiration?
- How would speaking about my personal experiences help promote an organization?
- What are my biggest challenges as an Entrepreneur and Survivor?
I appreciated this exercise. Now it's time go back to the comfort of my "binky". No - not a big ol' brick-size piece of double chocolate cake... Pinterest, of course.